Dog Poems

The phrase “dogs are a man’s best friend” did not come about by accident. While people are keeping more and more kinds of animals as pets these days, dogs have comfortably retained their number one spot as a family’s favourite pet. A well-treated and loved dog often becomes far more than simply a pet; it becomes a member of the family. Displaying more affection than your partner and a stronger sense of loyalty than you would ask of anyone, dogs quite simply devote themselves to their owners. The bond between owner and dog is a remarkable thing, and it can represent one of truest displays of love as we understand it

Dog Poems: 1/8
Nature, Dog

He looks at you
He wants your touch
or perhaps a treat
or a stroke and such

He's proud and he struts
always happy to greet
a white fluffy Eskie
he can be fierce or sweet

As he ages I can see
he's got problems just like me
can't move like before or hear too well
never complains, oh no, not he

Sometime soon we'll have to part
but I'm not sure who'll be first
if it's you I'll miss your greetings
but not seeing your face will be the worst

the house will be empty
an empty space in our heart
but we will be happy that,
of our family you were a part

So thanks Mishka for the fun times
which we won't have anymore
no but most of all I'll miss
your greeting every night
At the door.
